Perles de Taille Africaine Waist Beading Workshop November 2019

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Saturday, November 9 2019 2:00 PM 5:00 PM EDT

A beautiful token for your spirit...  A moment of counciousness and recognition of the sacred space that is your waist.  It holds the beginning and the end; the Alpha and Omega of humanity.  We must treat it as such!  The adornment of the waist with beads, precious stones, shells or other elements has been around for centuries and with it, has been  attached so much significance, history and power.  The art of beading was passed on as a skill in order to add tools to a woman's arsenal. We will explore this wonderful tradition and attendees will be guided in a session where they will be initiated in the art of hand beading.  The tutorial will be held in a wonderful setting, embraced by nature, as the connection is an infinity cycle.  All materials will be provided and attendees keep the product of their creativity!  Bellinis, strawberry lime wine punch, and light fares will also be available.  You will  have the opportunity to browse the wonderful treasures of the Blue Sage Eco Boutique and selected vendors will be on site for your enjoyment,  refill on your favorite  goods, or enjoy a chair massage during the workshop!